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Is Type 2 Diabetes Reversible?

Is Type 2 Diabetes Reversible?

Type 2 diabetes affects millions of Americans, increasing their risks of serious complications. While there’s no cure, there are steps you can take to “reverse” the negative effects of diabetes. Here’s what to do.
Jun 1st, 2024
The Importance of Screening for Depression

The Importance of Screening for Depression

Depression is a serious mental health disorder that can have lifelong emotional and physical effects. Fortunately, it can be treated successfully, and depression screening can help ensure you receive the treatment you need.
May 12th, 2024

Why Do I Need a Primary Care Doctor?

Primary care providers (PCPs) are important members of your personal health team, providing care and guidance for all sorts of health issues. Here’s how having a PCP can help improve your wellness now and in the future.
Apr 2nd, 2024
Is There a Cure for Childhood Asthma?

Is There a Cure for Childhood Asthma?

Asthma is a chronic disorder that causes millions of kids wheezing, coughing, and breathing problems. Learn more about childhood asthma, including information about treatments and whether there’s a cure.
Mar 13th, 2024
 The Many Benefits of Dental Exams

 The Many Benefits of Dental Exams

If you’re like many people, you’ve probably been tempted to skip your twice-yearly dental checkup — but don’t. That one-hour visit offers many important benefits you can’t afford to overlook, including the eight benefits on this list.
Jan 18th, 2024
What Can I Do to Reduce My Risk of Breast Cancer?

What Can I Do to Reduce My Risk of Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer is the second-most common type of cancer among women. Reducing your risks for breast cancer is a worthwhile effort — but where do you begin? Here are several steps you can take to lower your risk and identify breast cancer early.
Oct 1st, 2023
Raising Awareness on the Obesity Epidemic in the U.S.

Raising Awareness on the Obesity Epidemic in the U.S.

Millions of Americans are overweight and obese, yet many don’t fully realize the toll their weight is taking on their health. Here, learn why obesity is so dangerous and how we can help you manage your weight for long-term results.
Sep 6th, 2023
5 Ways to Prevent Asthma Attacks During Summer

5 Ways to Prevent Asthma Attacks During Summer

Summer is a time for outdoor activities and family gatherings — but if you have asthma, it’s also a time for symptom flare-ups. If you have asthma, these simple tips can help reduce your risk of flare-ups, so you can enjoy all summer has to offer.
Jul 1st, 2023
When to Take Your Sick Child to the Doctor

When to Take Your Sick Child to the Doctor

When your child is sick, you want to do all you can to help them feel better. Sick visits can help. Our team offers care tailored to your child’s specific needs, to help them get better quickly. Here’s when to schedule a sick visit for your child.
Jun 1st, 2023

Put Your Best Foot Forward by Taking Care of Your Feet

It’s easy to take your feet for granted when they feel fine. But if you have a problem with your feet, it can significantly impact your comfort and your life. In this post, learn why foot care is essential and simple tips to prevent problems.
Apr 1st, 2023

Things Everyone Should Know About Cancer

Cancer affects millions of people worldwide, and treatments are more effective today. Still, cancer isn’t always well understood. This post will teach you essential facts about the disease and its treatment.
Mar 1st, 2023

10 Top Tips for Daily Oral Care at Home

A new year is a great time to start some new oral care habits that can keep your teeth and gums in great shape all year. Here are nine simple ways you can keep your smile looking its best.
Jan 25th, 2023

Addiction Recovery: 5 Ways to Prevent Relapse

Recovering from an addiction is an ongoing process, but you can manage it with support and personal commitment. If you’re recovering from a substance abuse problem, these five tips can help you stay healthy.
Dec 15th, 2022
What is Prediabetes, and Can It Be Reversed?

What is Prediabetes, and Can It Be Reversed?

Prediabetes is a serious health condition that dramatically increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. It's time to take vital steps to reverse the course of the disease. If you have prediabetes, here’s what you can do.
Nov 9th, 2022
A woman discusses her mammogram and what she should expect from the exam with an NP

HCHC & Alinea Imaging Join Forces Against Breast Cancer

You’ve probably heard enough talk about mammograms to understand that they’re important.  You may already know they’re the best way to reduce risks associated with breast cancer by detecting irregularities early. But who should be getting a breast check?
Sep 14th, 2022
Should I Be Tested Regularly for STDs?

Should I Be Tested Regularly for STDs?

Being tested for sexually-transmitted diseases s is a simple, quick process that can help you, your partners, and other loved ones stay safe and healthy. Here’s how to tell if you need to be screened for STDs.
Sep 8th, 2022
A doctor examines a patient's ear during a Well-child check visit

What's Included in a Well Child Check?

Well child checks play a crucial role in keeping your child healthy and ensuring their growth and development stays on track. Here’s what you and your child can expect during your next well child appointment.
Jul 5th, 2022
pregnant mom cooling off in the Summer in front of a large tabletop fan

Tips for Getting Through a Summer Pregnancy

Summer’s high heat and humidity are never pleasant, but if you’re pregnant, they can be especially uncomfortable. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to keep your cool. Here are eight tips that can help you stay comfortable this summer.
Jul 5th, 2022
A woman experiencing stress and in need of self-care

The Problem? Stress. The Solution? Self-Care

It’s not unusual to feel extreme anxiety or pressure (especially these days) about everything you have to take care of.  But there is a solution: taking care of yourself!  Practicing self-care, even for just a few minutes a day, can make a big difference.
Jun 15th, 2022
 The Importance of Routine Dental Exams

The Importance of Routine Dental Exams

Dental exams might not rank up in your favorite things to do, but they’re important nonetheless. Regular dental exams offer a lot of crucial benefits. Here’s why you shouldn’t skip your next appointment.
Jun 12th, 2022
Does My Chronic Cough Mean I Have Asthma?

Does My Chronic Cough Mean I Have Asthma?

Everybody coughs from time to time. But if your cough is chronic — persistent or recurring — it’s time to be evaluated for asthma. Personal asthma treatment plans help keep your symptoms at bay while improving your respiratory health.
May 3rd, 2022
What You Need to Know About An Ovarian Cyst

What You Need to Know About An Ovarian Cyst

Ovarian cysts are common, and in most cases, you won’t even know they’re there. But other times, cysts can cause pain and other symptoms. Our team wants you to know about ovarian cysts and their treatment.
Apr 7th, 2022
Can Diabetes Be Prevented?

Can Diabetes Be Prevented?

Diabetes can have a significant impact on your health, especially if you don’t take steps to control your blood sugar (glucose). But there is some good news: Type 2 diabetes — the most common type — may be prevented, as long as you know what to do.
Feb 6th, 2022
A skilled dentist treats a patient at the new Pacific Ave dental facility at Harbor Community Health Clinic

Your Best Dental Health is Right Around the Corner

Everyone knows it’s important to take care of their teeth, but you may still have questions about the best way to go about it. Fortunately, Harbor Community Health Centers have both the answers to your questions and the resources to help you follow through
Feb 5th, 2022
A happy young high school boy is learning self-care advice from the team at HCHC Behavior Health

Cuidados personales para sus adolescentes

La escuela preparatoria puede ser intensa: HCHC enseña cómo afrontar la situación Nuestra clínica está trabajando con The Boys and Girls Club para satisfacer las necesidades de bienestar social y emocional de los adolescentes el 20 de enero de 4 a 5 pm
Jan 15th, 2022
happy young high school girl learning self-care with HCHC behavior health team

Self-care advice for your teens with HCHC support team

High school can be intense – HCHC teaches how to cope Our clinic is working with The Boys and Girls Club to meet teenagers’ emotional and social wellbeing needs. We will be doing a one-time presentation for High School Teens (ages 14-18 y/o) Jan 20th 2022
Jan 14th, 2022
How an OB/GYN Specialist Can Help You During Menopause

How an OB/GYN Specialist Can Help You During Menopause

Menopause means an end to your periods — but it doesn’t mean an end to your health needs. As a woman, those needs differ markedly from men. Here’s why regular gynecology visits are still important even once you’re in menopause.
Jan 1st, 2022
The Importance of Primary Care

The Importance of Primary Care

Primary care physicians (PCPs) are your healthcare partners, dedicated to making sure your healthcare is always optimized for your medical needs, your lifestyle, and your healthy future. Here are five ways a PCP can help you stay healthy.
Dec 13th, 2021
When a Behavioral Health Evaluation Might Be Necessary

When a Behavioral Health Evaluation Might Be Necessary

Behavioral health evaluations play crucial roles in identifying issues like anxiety and depression, and they can also help you learn better ways to cope — and stay healthy. Here are eight times when you should consider a behavioral evaluation.
Nov 14th, 2021
How to Know if You Have Diabetes

How to Know if You Have Diabetes

Regular medical screening is the only way to know for sure if you have diabetes, but there are some symptoms you should watch out for, too. This post gives a quick rundown of the most common symptoms to be aware of.
Oct 10th, 2021
Do I Have Asthma or Just a Cough?

Do I Have Asthma or Just a Cough?

Coughing is a common symptom of asthma, but not every cough is asthmatic. Here’s how to tell if you need an asthma evaluation or if your cough might have another cause.
Sep 6th, 2021
The Benefits of a Behavioral Health Evaluation

The Benefits of a Behavioral Health Evaluation

Behavioral health issues can affect every area of your life, including your physical health. A behavioral health evaluation is the first step toward managing those issues so that you can lead a happier, healthier life. Here’s how an evaluation works.
Aug 10th, 2021

What Pediatric Care Offers Your Child

Kids have very different health and medical needs compared to adults. That means they need a healthcare provider who’s skilled in treating those needs. Here are five ways your child can benefit from pediatric care at Harbor Community Health Centers.
Jul 19th, 2021

3 Ways Warmer Weather Impacts Your Asthma

Summer is a time for fun and relaxation. But if you have asthma, it can also be a time of increasing symptoms. Here are three ways summer could affect your asthma symptoms.
May 18th, 2021

Back to School: How to Help When Your Child is Struggling

Across the country, school-age children and teens are returning to in-person learning, but this effort to get back to normal doesn’t come without concerns. Remote learning has left a lot of students with intense feelings of isolation and loneliness.
Apr 13th, 2021

What Every Woman Should Know About Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer deaths have decreased dramatically since Pap tests became a regular part of well-woman visits. But there’s still a lot to know about cervical cancer, its symptoms, and how to prevent it. Here are six important facts to learn today.
Apr 11th, 2021

What is Seasonal Depression?

Seasonal depression can take a toll on you emotionally and physically. Learn more about this mental health condition and how our team can help you feel better.
Dec 14th, 2020

The Connection Between Mental and Medical Health

Medical ailments have long been treated separately from mental illnesses, but the truth is that physical and mental health are inextricably linked. Find out how holistic care is the key to better physical and mental wellbeing.
Sep 16th, 2020

Preventing Periodontal Disease: What You Can Do Today

You can prevent periodontal disease right now, saving yourself time and money later on. Keep reading to learn about helpful tips and tricks to prevent periodontal disease from becoming a problem in your mouth.
Aug 7th, 2020

Allergies or Asthma: Is There a Difference?

What could be causing your or your child’s runny nose, cough, and shortness of breath? Is it allergies, or perhaps asthma? Maybe both? Find out why it matters, and how the experts can help.
Jul 17th, 2020

The Link Between Diabetes and Obesity

If you’re significantly overweight, you hold an especially high risk for certain forms. Keep reading to learn about the link between obesity and diabetes, and how you can better manage your health.
Jun 26th, 2020
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