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The Benefits of a Behavioral Health Evaluation

The Benefits of a Behavioral Health Evaluation

It’s tempting to think of physical health and behavioral or psychological health as two separate entities. But in fact, they’re very closely linked, like two sides of the same coin. In addition to affecting your physical health, behavioral health issues can have a devastating effect on your quality of life and your overall well-being, as well.

The problem is, the symptoms of emotional health issues can be challenging to detect on your own — and that means treatment can be delayed. At Harbor Community Health Centers, our team uses behavioral health evaluations to help patients understand their needs and get the treatment they need to lead happier lives. 

Behavioral health and overall wellness

The link between behavioral health issues and physical health is bidirectional: mental health influences your physical health, and your physical health can affect your mental health, too.

Studies show behavioral health issues like chronic stress, anxiety, anger, and depression increase your risks for an array of serious medical problems, including:

In addition, behavioral health issues can lead to unhealthy behaviors that also increase your risk for physical health problems, including behaviors like smoking, overeating, and drug or alcohol abuse. Many behavioral health issues make it hard to maintain happy relationships with loved ones and coworkers.

On the flip side, research also shows that managing behavioral health issues can have a protective effect on your health, decreasing risks for many medical problems and encouraging healthy behaviors. Managing stress and improving coping skills can also support better, more fulfilling relationships with loved ones, friends, and coworkers.

Benefits of a behavioral health evaluation

Although behavioral health issues have become better known over the past decade or two, there’s still a stigma attached to their diagnosis and management. Many people still see behavioral health issues as “weaknesses” that can be controlled with a little “mind over matter.”

Behavioral health issues require medical attention, just like physical health issues. But because of the existing stigma — and because the signs and symptoms of a behavioral issue can be hard to spot on your own — many problems go undiagnosed and untreated.

A behavioral health evaluation helps identify behavioral health issues, so you can get the treatment you need to enjoy better emotional and physical health. An evaluation is the first step toward a personalized treatment plan that can lead to positive changes in pretty much every area of your life.

What happens during an evaluation

At Harbor Community Health Centers, our team uses a series of specialized assessments to evaluate your behavioral health. These assessments explore your feelings, attitudes, concerns, cognition, and behaviors so that we can develop a comprehensive “picture” of your behavioral health state.

Once your evaluation is complete, our team works with you to design a custom treatment plan that’s focused on your unique needs, as well as your overall treatment goals. Your treatment might include psychotherapy, medication, journaling, and other approaches aimed at helping you overcome your specific issues and learn healthier behaviors for a happier life.

Because physical and emotional health are so closely linked, having a behavior evaluation at a primary care clinic means you can enjoy a holistic approach to treatment that takes your whole health into account. To learn more about behavioral health evaluations or to schedule an evaluation call us at (310) 547-0202 or book an appointment online today.

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