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Is There a Cure for Childhood Asthma?

Is There a Cure for Childhood Asthma?

Asthma is a common respiratory disease that affects kids as well as adults. In the United States alone, about 5 million children have asthma, and about 38% have at least one asthma attack in any given year. For kids under age 5, that number almost doubles.

As a parent, you undoubtedly worry about your child’s symptoms, especially when they have flare-ups — periods when symptoms are exacerbated. You’ve probably also wondered if there’s a cure that can relieve your child’s symptoms once and for all.

At Harbor Community Health Centers, our team provides comprehensive pediatric care, including helping kids with asthma manage their symptoms successfully. Here are some quick facts about childhood asthma and how we can help your child breathe better.

Childhood asthma: The basics

Asthma happens when the lining of the airways is irritated and inflamed, particularly in response to specific triggers like dust, pollen, or even cold air. Inflammation causes the airways to narrow, resulting in symptoms like wheezing, chest tightness, coughing, and problems breathing.

Kids and adults with asthma also tend to produce a lot of mucus. Increased production leads to additional problems with breathing and exacerbates coughing, too. 

Pediatric asthma can happen for different reasons. Many kids with asthma have a family history of asthma, but aside from genetics,  other potential causes and risk factors include:

Asthma is also more common among kids with eczema (atopic dermatitis), a skin condition that causes itchy, red patches of skin.

Management and cure

Unfortunately there is no cure for asthma — yet. But the good news is the symptoms can be managed, and flare-ups can be avoided with the help of your child’s care provider.

Our team begins asthma treatment by evaluating your child’s symptoms and their health. Then, we work with you and your child to develop an asthma management plan focused on relieving and preventing their symptoms.

For most kids, asthma management plans involve inhaled medication and lifestyle changes to help them breathe better. Sharing that plan with your child’s teacher, coaches, and school nurse ensures your child will receive care whenever they need it — and helps raise awareness and understanding about your child’s needs. 

Help your child manage their asthma

Maintaining an up-to-date asthma management plan is essential if your child has asthma. To learn how we can help, call 310-547-0202 to schedule an appointment with our team at one of our two locations in San Pedro, California, today.

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